Home Remedy for Toe Nail Fungus
• Tea tree oil is effective in treating toe nail fungus. Dip a cotton ball in the oil and rub the toe nail two times a day - once in the morning and the second time while going to bed at night.
• Listerine mouthwash is helpful in treating toe nail fungus. Soak your toes in the mouthwash for about 20 minutes. Its medicinal properties would help control the fungal growth.
• Fill a bucket with equal proportion of water and natural apple cider vinegar. Soak your feet in the bucket for 15 to 20 minutes. Thereafter, dry your toenails thoroughly.
• Mix equal amounts of lavender oil and tea tree oil. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and dab the toe nail with it, 2 to 3 times in a day. This would be effective in treating toe nail fungus.
• In a tsp of olive oil, add 2 drops of oregano essential oil. Apply this mixture on the affected area. It would help provide relief from toe nail fungus.
• Fill a bucket with equal proportion of water and vinegar. Soak your feet in this combination for 20 minutes. Now, dry the toes with a towel and wipe them with a super absorbent paper. Repeat the process two times a day.
• Another helpful home remedy for toe nail fungus would be to soak the feet in rubbing alcohol, for about 20 minutes.
• Soak your feet in a tub filled with equal proportions of water and Hydrogen Peroxide (3%), for about 15 minutes. After this, dry the feet completely.
• Include lots of probiotics food, such as yogurt and kefir, in your diet. This would help your body get rid of the fungus.
• Make a paste with turmeric powder and water. Apply this paste on your toe nail. Rinse it off when it dries and then properly dry your feet.
• Peel an onion and cut it into slices. Rub the affected toenail with the onion slices for sometime. This is an effective way to treat the fungal infection.
• Another effective home remedy would be to soak a cotton ball in concentrated lime juice. Rub the cotton on the affected toenail.
• It is advisable to wash the feet properly after visiting public places, like swimming pools, spas, showers and locker rooms.
• Avoid sharing towels, washcloths, shoes or any other personal items of people who have already contracted this disease.
Home foot care tips
Cleansing tips –
• A concoction of honey, liquid soap and almond oil in a 1:1:2 ratio, to which a tea spoon of
vanilla extract has been added, works well for the feet. This mixture when poured into a
small basin of warm water and used to soak feet in, will make them relaxed and cleansed.
• For smelly feet, an alternate day soak in warm water mixed with lavender oil and a pinch of
salt, works wonders. It is a nerve relaxant as well.
• A few drops of vinegar, mixed with 50 grams of curd, when rubbed thoroughly on heels,
between toes and all over the feet, then left to stay for 10 minutes; will cleanse the feet
well, removing all dead cells, when washed off.
Scrubbing tips –
• Dead skin can be removed on a daily basis with a pumice stone.
• For hardened heels, grind some almonds/strawberries; mix them with olive oil/almond oil and
a teaspoon of sea salt. Use this mixture as a scrub for your feet. Rigorous movements
will enhance blood circulation too. Wash with warm water and apply moisturizing oil.
• Apply a mixture of glycerin, fresh cream and honey, all in equal amounts onto your feet. Let it
stay for 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water. Follow this for three days and
find your feet soft and smooth.
Softening/Moisturizing tips –
• A mixture of glycerin and rose water applied every night before bedtime helps keep feet soft
and glowing, especially the heels.
• Almond oil massaged onto feet before bedtime keeps cracks and dry skin at bay, especially
during winters.
• Application of Aloe Vera gel on your feet daily will keep them well moisturised and free of
diseases like athlete’s foot.
Some Must Dos for healthy feet –
• Wear the right shoes, a little tight or a little loose do not work well.
• Do away with stingy buckles, straps that rub too much and too high heeled pairs.
• Comfort is primary for long hours in one pair only, so choose wisely. Reserve the fancy pairs
for evening outs only.
• Let your feet breathe for a while. Wash and clean them well and then wear some airy foot
wear at least for an hour everyday.
• Walks, yoga or some light exercise increases blood circulation in the feet and legs.
• Follow all foot care regimes at night. This not only relaxes you at the end of the day but also
gives ample time to your feet to absorb the applications well.
• Wear socks of good material and change them daily.